
Slot allocation service fee

Slot coordination or schedules facilitation service fee for French airports

The Decree n° 2017-60 of January 23, 2017 introduces a new regulatory framework in order to finance by a slot coordination or schedules facilitation fee the services provided by the appointed airport coordinator on French coordinated and schedules facilitated airports. It supersedes the coordinator’s former funding system which was relying on voluntary subscriptions paid by the 10 main French air carriers and the three managing bodies of the coordinated airports.

The fee covers material and labour costs arising from slot coordination or schedules facilitation tasks assigned to the appointed coordinator or schedules facilitator by the French minister in charge of civil aviation. Any other activities of the coordinator or schedules facilitator are not covered by this fee.

The Decree adds 3 articles (R. 221-13 to 15) to the French Civil Aviation Code setting up two implementation cases; the main one concerns all French airports which are usually schedules facilitated or coordinated while the derogation one deals with those airports that are schedule facilitated or coordinated on « exceptional circumstances » as described in article 3(6) of the Council regulation (EEC) n°95/93.

In the main case:

  • the airport managing body and the air carrier operating at that airport equally share the cost recovery through the payment of the same slot service fee per landing;
  • the level of the slot service fee is set by the minister in charge of civil aviation: the French coordination committee advises the minister on a tariff proposal made by the appointed coordinator or schedules facilitator. Should the committee agree with the proposal, the proposed slot service fee is then approved as proposed by the minister;
  • the air carriers’ share is collected by the airport managing body on behalf of the coordinator or schedules facilitator.

The derogation case applies to situations for which the traffic is unpredictable (as for sports special events for instance). In such situations, it is difficult to accurately determine a slot service fee which would cover all these costs so the main case framework cannot be applied. Therefore, in « exceptional circumstances » as described in article 3(6) of the Council regulation (EEC) n°95/93:

  • the global cost to be covered for the associated slot coordination or schedules facilitation services is determined by the minister in charge of civil aviation on the basis of a proposal made by the appointed coordinator or the schedules facilitator;
  • the air carriers operating on that airport during this exceptional circumstance pay a slot service fee per landing collected by the airport managing body on behalf of the coordinator or schedules facilitator;
  • the concerned airport managing body shall cover the remaining part of the costs which corresponds to the global service cost as approved by the minister reduced by total amount paid by all air carriers.

4 ministerial orders of February 22, 2017 meet the decree requirements and establish a process (steps, methods and associated deadlines) to determine, publish and enforce the slot service fees.

  • Slot coordination service fee

    Rate of the fee for the slot coordination or schedules facilitation service rendered on French airports:

    New rate from the 1st of April 2022

    ⇒ For airports qualified as coordinated or schedules facilitation referred to respectively in Annex I et II of Ministerial Decree of February 22 , 2017 designating  COHOR as coordinator or schedules facilitator on certain airports

    Rate from

    April 1st, 2022

    2,30 euros per landing for aircraft operator
    2,30 euros per landing for airport manager

    ⇒ For airports mentioned in Article R.221-14 of the Civil Aviation Code, qualified as schedules facilitation airports or coordinated airport in exceptional circumstances

    Rate from

    April 1st, 2022

    2,30 euros per landing for aircraft operator

    The airport manager supplements the collected sums  near the aircraft operator to cover all costs incurred by the exceptional operation.

    ⇒ For airports qualified as coordinated or schedules facilitation referred to respectively in Annex I et II of Ministerial Decree of February 22 , 2017 designating  COHOR as coordinator or schedules facilitator on certain airports
    Rate from July 1st, 2017 to March 31, 2018 1.98 euros per landing for aircraft operator
    1.98 euros per landing for airport manager

    ⇒ For airports mentioned in Article R.221-14 of the Civil Aviation Code, qualified as schedules facilitation airports or coordinated airport in exceptional circumstances
    Rate from July 1st, 2017 to March 31, 2018 1.98 euros per landing for aircraft operator

    The airport manager supplements the collected sums  near the aircraft operator to cover all costs incurred by the exceptional operation.

  • FAQ

     FAQ related to the slot coordination or schedule facilitation service fee

    • How is the slot service fee proposal determined?

    To determine the slot service fee proposal, the schedules facilitator or the coordinator shall take into account the forecast of its future running and capital charges, the investments required to achieve the tasks assigned by the French minister in charge of civil aviation along with the airport traffic forecast.

    • How is the slot service fee set?

    The French airports coordination committee (CCAF) advises the French minister in charge of civil aviation on the coordinator or schedules facilitator proposal.

    If the committee agrees with the proposal, then the minister approves the proposed service fee within 15 days.

    Otherwise, the coordinator makes a second proposal to the minister in charge on civil aviation within one month. The minister then sets the slot service fee; CCAF is no longer consulted.

    • How do we know the level of the applicable slot service fee?

    Slot service fees are published on the coordinator or schedules facilitator website. They are enforceable no earlier than one month following their publication by the coordinator or schedules facilitator. They shall remain applicable until new ones are enforceable.

    • How is the slot service fee collected?

    The appointed coordinator or schedules facilitator shall sign an agreement with the concerned airport managing body;
    This agreement shall specify the methods the airport managing body should use to settle its part of the slot service fee with the coordinator or schedules facilitator.

    The air carriers or aircraft operators slot service fees are collected by the airport managing body using the billing system in place to collect other airport charges. No specific preliminary action is required from air carriers or aircraft operators.
    The airport managing body transfers to the coordinator or schedules facilitator the slot service fees collected from air carriers and aircraft operators according to the method settled in its agreement with the coordinator or schedule facilitator.