The European Airport Coordinators Association (EUACA) notes the European Commission’s
proposal for amending the slot regulation to respond to the continuing impact of the Covid-19
pandemic on efficient airport slot use.
During the Autumn, coordinators worked with airline and airport representatives in the
Worldwide Airport Slots Board to produce an agreed industry recommendation on slot
coordination for Summer 2021. The recommendation offers a balanced approach which
would allow airlines to hand back full series of slots well ahead of the season and in turn
allow these slots to be reallocated to airlines which could use them. This would encourage
greater use of airport capacity. EUACA believes that, overall, this approach would serve the
aviation industry and the needs of travellers and shippers well during the Summer 2021
EUACA calls on all concerned to work quickly together to clarify the rules which will apply in
Summer 2021so that airlines and airports can make plans and coordinators can implement
the rules successfully. Ideally, any changes should be in place before the Historic Baseline
Date, 31 January 2021. EUACA will continue to maintain its dialogue within the industry and
with the European Commission to seek a practicable outcome for managing airport slots to
ensure efficient use and avoid uncertainty.